Thursday, June 19, 2008


* Earlier in the day, the kids had watched a Sylvan Learning Center commercial that said kids loose two months worth of their education over summer vacation*

G:Mom, why do you loose so much learning over the summer?

K: I know, I know!

Me: Oh yeah?

K: Yup. It's because in the summer time you go swimming, and when the water gets in your ears, it washes away all of the information in your brain.

Me: Close enough.


Mary said...

Thank Goodness i have an answer to that question! No swimming for my kids this summer.

Anonymous said...

HA! Kids say the darndest things. :)

Angela DeRossett said...

LOL!!!! Jagger *just* informed me that he'll be losing his learning this summer because he heard that I will have to ask the obvious question of 'why'.