Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've started several posts now and abandoned them. They all seemed too heavy, to sad for right now, a time of family and giving thanks. So, as a jump start to the Thanksgiving holiday, I'd like to share what I'm thankful for this year (yes, I know it's all very kindergarten, but please bear with my fried pre-holiday brain):

* GH found a job this year and seems much happier for it. Oh, and we can now afford both groceries and heat. Yeah us!

* The fact that I still have a job. With budget cuts killing our agency, I'm thankful every day I'm still employed.

* My two happy, healthy children of course. Even though they make me bonkers most days, I just couldn't wade through my life without them.

*GH. It's hard to find anyone who would put up with my bitchiness, neurosis, and all out crazy every single day. He puts up with it and still loves me at the end of the day.

*My doggies. They are so sweet and wonderful, and have brought a heap of joy into our lives.

*The fact that one of the doggies is getting neutered today. I'm very thankful it will never hump my elbow ever again.

*The fact that I have a home, a running car, and a family that loves me (most days) to go home to every day.


1 comment:

painted maypole said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! (and gee, what will the holiday be like without any elbow humping? maybe if you ask GH really nicely....)